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Trauerbegleitung, Abschiedsfeier, Rituale, Petra Paul, Zürich



1. Volcanic dunes (survival)
    You survived. And you have more resources of your own than you think.
2. Scorched earth (understanding loss)
    To acknowledge the loss is to be able to mourn it. The time between death and the burial is very important. 
3. Island of the 1000 winds (living through feelings)
    Our own biography helps to determine how we grieve. This is why feelings should not be censored.
4. Life flow delta (adapting to the new situation)
    Completely new paths open up, powerful discovery tours in rope teams.
5. Tides of the lake (a new place for the deceased)
    Grief is about bonding, not separation. Letting go does not mean letting down.
6. Magic garden (giving meaning to what has happened)
    You are entitled to live on. You invest anew in life and life in you.
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