More informations Farewell rituals
Time and place? Funeral hall, cemetery, forest, river...? Who is involved? Are there any children present?
Greeting, concentration (prayer), naming the death and understanding the loss.
Appreciation of the deceased person
Curriculum vitae, anecdotes, various contributions from participants, circumstances of the loss, nature of the relationship
Experiencing feelings
Stories, poems, music, songs, sounds, silence, materials, props
Symbolic actions
Conflicts and unresolved issues, forgiving, transforming, letting go
Blessings and farewell
Completing the separation (funeral), anchoring in the heart, blessing the ways of the deceased and the ways of the bereaved.
Perspective on meaning
Reference to the divine / greater whole. Where do the dead go? What provides us with comfort and support?
bridges to the new everyday life
Shaping change, sharing a light meal